Mitch Day 14

Mitch ate a bit more yesterday. Still only corned beef and fairy cakes with peanut butter on but more than previously. He also ate half a steak and kidney pie. Those used to be his favourites.

His tramadol intake has been cut slightly, at least I didn’t have to get up in the night to give him another.

I think he looks a bit brighter. I hope I’m not kidding myself.

4 thoughts on “Mitch Day 14”

  1. I started giving Caira Sue a half dose of tramadol. My hope was that it would take the edge off the pain, but not make her loopy. I figure you can always give the other half if the first half doesn’t work (it seemed to take 20-25 min for her and we saw a response). Anyway, maybe that will help with the appetite. No one wants to eat if they feel like a space cadet.
    Corned beef and kidney pies! That seems like a great way to keep one’s spirits up.

  2. Any tiny improvement is a cause for celebration!!! Probably a good idea not to take him off cold turkey… pardon the post-Thanksgiving day pun…

    Anything he eats right now is great… just need to get the food and water in him (any way possible!). Is he taking any supplements? If so, are you having any problems sneaking them in with his treats?

    Hurry up and post some pictures of your cutie… Inquiring minds want to know!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  3. He is not taking supplements- bad enough getting him to take his medication! When he feels a bit better I may see what the pet store has.

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